Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Script Draft 1

Media Script
*Scott, Liam and Joshua are stood on a hill overlooking an empty city where no-one is in sight, cars have crashed and there is a big crater in the centre*
Scott: (Gazes into the distance) Where is everyone? Like no-one’s there and cars are overturned and stuff
Liam: What are you suggesting Scott?
Josh: He’s obviously suggesting that everyone has given up with this dead-end city and decided to leg it to the nearest city where dreams can still be made.
Scott: (Sighs) No Josh. What I meant to say is it looks like something has hit the city and everyone has fled or worse..
Liam: What do you mean worse?
Scott: Like y’know dead and stuff
Josh: Just listen to yourselves; they’re probably fitting new roads or something you retards
Scott: That deep? They’re not making a highway to hell you utter moron.
*Liam laughs*
Josh: Okay smartass, so what’s happened?
Liam: Just stop fighting. We need to go down there and investi, investing-
Josh: Investigate?
Liam: yeah.
Josh: So? What are we waiting around here for? C’mon. *Grabs Liam by the arm as they walk towards the empty city*
*Scott, Liam and Joshua approach the city where they can hear car alarms going off*
Scott: Well, this doesn’t look very ‘fun’
Josh: C’mon lets go closer
Scott: *dramatically* And here he goes again, always taking command to drag us to an early death
Josh: Wow. You realllllyyyyyyyy are a pussy. Liam you game?
Liam: Game? What? Sorry I wasn’t listening
Josh: Well I’m going with or without you.
Liam: *stutters* but, but, but it looks dangerous like we could get hurt or somethin’
Scott: For once, I agree with you Liam.
Josh: Fine then. *walks of towards the crater avoiding obstacles within his path*
*Scott and Liam shortly follow*
Liam: Wait up! If I didn’t know any better it seems like you have got a keen interest with big, dark holes…
Scott: He was in Juvenile for too long and-
*Josh interrupts*
Josh: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha no.
Liam: I don’t understand..
Josh: Good, you wouldn’t want to. *sternly looks at Scott*
*Josh approaches the crater where he stares down into it*
Josh: *whispers to himself* what is that..
Scott: Get away from the edge, don’t want you falling in do we?
Liam: Yeah.
*Scott and Liam approach Josh to see what he is staring at*
Liam: Is that a-
Scott: Meteor. Yes. Has to be. But, it can’t be!
Josh: *smugly* obviously is.
*Josh climbs carefully down into the crater*
Scott: Josh! What the f*** are you doing?! You’ll get yourself killed!
Josh: I’ve done stuff like this before, I’ll be fineeeeeeeeee
*A spark comes of the meteor and connects with Josh which sends him to the ground*
Scott: What the..
Liam: Josh are you alright?! ‘cos you don’t look it
Josh: And I’m fine, I just feel er…. weird?
Scott: It’s about time you came out the closet.
Josh: Not like that. I mean I feel like, hot and numb almost like I’ve got pins and needles in my arm
*Liam offers his arm out to help Josh out the crater*
*Josh connects his hand onto Liam’s arm which Liam screams in agony and shrugs Josh off him*
Liam: Josh! What the **** man, that hurt!
Josh: What hurt?
Liam: You know.
Josh: I honestly don’t
Liam: You squeezed my arm!
Josh: No I didn’t! I had hardly any grasp on it.
Liam: well whatever you did it really ******* hurt.
*Scott climbs down into the crater to get a closer look at the meteor*
Josh: Oh yeah, just climb closer to the meteor, don’t give a flying **** about me.
Liam: I see what you did there *points to Josh with both hands and grins*
Scott: Shh. From what it seems something has connected into you, like, an electric shock or something.
Josh: Electric? From a meteor? Next joke.
Scott: I did GCSE science, I’m being serious
Liam: Thought you failed that?
Scott: I did, but that’s not the point.
*Liam climbs down into the crater alongside Scott*
Liam: So what actually is it?
Scott: I’m not sure what it is but whatever it is has totally messed up Josh.
Scott: Josh… Josh…. JOSH
Josh: Yeah, sorry, I’m still here just slowly dieing.
Liam: But you aren’t.

Josh: Shutup.

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